Across the African continent, various ethnic groups and societies integrate the phases of the moon into their spiritual, agricultural, and social practices. These lunar-based traditions serve multiple purposes, from honoring ancestors and deities to guiding agricultural activities and marking significant life transitions.
African cultures celebrate lunar cycles in diverse ways, varying greatly depending on the specific cultural practices and beliefs of each community or ethnic group.
A Dagara-inspired grief ritual is spiritual technology using the healing power of water to facilitate healing, peace and mending of our soul wounds.
The Five Gates are portals to healing, meaning and purpose, and most importantly, reconnecting to “all our relations” who are tied to our sense of wholeness.
I’m often amazed when I ask young kids where the food on the table comes from and they tell me the store. And it’s not just the little ones, many grown folks have no idea the origins of the meals they eat daily.
Rest and sleep are two different things, and for many people, the difference is hard to define. Rest sometimes involves choosing to spend time alone.
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